Thursday, 31 May 2018

Dealing with my addiction...

Howzit Magicals!

I have once again found myself a slave to the green monster…  I say once again because I’ve “quit” twice before -for a few months each time... 
  I have gone through stages where I want to give them up, go a day or two without them, then end up right back.
I've never cared for any other brands- I've got a love hate relationship with the green eyed monster😅

But seriously, I think that some of us have more addictive personalities and are always chasing the "monster" in one form or another. Addiction is something I always knew ran in our family. For me, it started as a boost to my crazy  mom schedule and life.

God doesn’t mail  you a letter with your name on it, saying it’s time to wean yourself from a certain habit...

 I ask myself is it the taste? Is it the energy? These Monsters longer energize, me they just keep me on a natural human level - I  swear they put something in these drinks to get you addicted.   

There's  something about the sound of opening a chilled can and the instant refreshing feeling you get as soon as you take that first sip. OMW! I really am addicted

So here's a list to determine if you're  addicted, (these all apply to me- so don't feel bad)

You know the shops that stock them and the prices too.
You get excited when they go on sale.
You plan your trips well in advance- your energy  drinks are ready and packed just in case there are no stores at that place you going to...
You start to buy them in packs...
You develop an unquenchable thirst that no other beverage can quench...
You drink one on your way to work every morning and sometimes are late because you just had to get yourself one!
You get stressed and irritated when you don't have one.
No energy drink = a crappy day.
 You lie about how many you drink a day - (I feel like an alcoholic hiding my drink)

If you ticked yes to at least two of the above then I suggest you start " weaning" yourself off of these buggers. I know it's not easy. In the past I would skip a day until I went 3 days without, then a week and from there I knew I beat it.  Oh but the excruciating headaches that come with it...

I could list all the health issues and side effects to help with the scare tactics but my post would end up way too long.

 For the sake of my health and especially for  my son, I'm pushing myself to stop.
 When I fell pregnant I made a vow that my baby will never see me smoking or with any kind of alcohol in my hand, and -he will never ever hear me swear or use vulgarity.  I stopped clubbing and everything  that came with it...

 It's a fact- children imitate what they see Aaand hear! I know for sure my son watches how I treat other people and how I deal with situations and my feelings. Children  soak in information like little sponges. So it's my responsibility to be a positive role model for all my boys.

You know- I cringe whenever  I see a child as young as ten, sipping energy drinks.😣
 Have you noticed how many young people are drawn to these drinks?  Could it be the cool names? Or the packaging that draws their  attention?  
Everywhere you look, someone’s got one in their hand, if only they knew the dangers. 
I really don't think you need to be terribly upset about it because you my friend have accepted you have a problem. Once you have accepted you have an issue then you have made the most important step in controlling your consumptio
I really don't think you need to be terribly upset about it because you my friend have accepted you have a problem. Once you have accepted you have an issue then you have made the most important step in controlling your consumption
I really don't think you need to be terribly upset about it because you my friend have accepted you have a problem. Once you have accepted you have an issue then you have made the most important step in controlli
Read this article about a teenage boy who died after drinking an energy drink, his heart couldn't take the high percentage of caffeine.

If at any time you see me with one, don't hesitate to remind me of the promise I'm making  to stop. I've been on a weightloss journey since forever and one of the reasons my weight has stalled is because of these "monsters"
Check out my progress so far.
I really don't think you need to be terribly upset about it because you my friend have accepted you have a problem. Once you have accepted you have an issue then you have made the most important step in controlling your consumption.

Energy drink addiction is serious people.

Are you addicted to energy drinks? Comment, like or share this post, if you found it helpful or enlightening in any way  #keepingitreal 😘

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Stay Magical

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