Saturday, 4 March 2017

Meet the gal behind the Magicalmessyhair...

Hello again curlies!

I have a gorgeous curly to introduce to you! Yep another Instagram curlfriend of mine. I was instantly attracted to her swag and I can not begin to say how beautiful she and her hair are! ( We kinda have the same hair type too.) Anywho she shares lots of her favourite products with us - which I really appreciate.….Meet the gal behind the Magicalmessyhair

1 Please introduce yourself?
My name is Darian Leigh Roman. I am 22 and a natural curly girl since 2014. My interests include blogging, dancing and being creative. I have social pages that follows my journey with tips and tricks I used from then until now called Reddee. I am outgoing and full of jokes Loloud.

2 How long are you natural?
I started my journey in 2014 so that would make me 3 years Natural this year.

3 What or who inspired you to embrace your God given crown?
My journey started when I had patches of hair broken off due to a relaxer and dye in the same week. I went scrolling for makeup inspiration and Glamtwins334 YouTube video popped up as a suggestion. And I've been Natural ever since so I would say Kelsey and Kendra (owners of the page) inspired me to embrace my crown.

4 Describe your hair in one sentence? 
My hair is moody, playful and stubborn but the love of my life.

5 Please share your hair regimen with us? 
1 week regimen consists of: 
Co-wash (the perfect range) 
Conditioner (no preference)
Deep conditioner (DIY mango DC, video on my page)
Leave-in (homemade) 
Styler (homemade / Curl chemistry)
Protective style (twists) 

6 What are some of your favourite products that you can't live without? 
Pure unrefined Shea Butter!!!! 
I can't live without shea butter as I add it to everything. 
Recently added Natural aloe as well 
Homemade flaxseed gel 
Store bought product faves: 
Organics Hair mayonnaise (been using this since 2014) 
Aunt Jackies Shampoo 
Curl Chemistry curl activate 
The perfect hair co-wash and gel (recent but will become a staple) 
Organics moisturizer.

7 Any hair practices you'd like to share?
I never do the same thing. I always switch it up

8 How do you like to wear your hair most of the time?
My hair is usually in twists or a bun and I let my fro out on weekends only - unless I have things to do in the week.

9 What advice would you give someone who is considering  returning to  natural?
DO THE BIG CHOP! It's the one thing I regret because I believe my journey took this long because I didn't just start from scratch also you learn how to work with your hair from the get go and you wouldn't need to chop and swop products as you go from having to battle transitioning  

10 Do you have a side hustle / projects that you'd like to share?
I currently make my own products that is best suited for type 4 hair because I have noticed that shelf products cater more for type 2-4a max so hopefully I can get that up and running this year as well as create a blogging platform that will inspire and bring deals to my followers as being Natural can be very expensive. 

This gal is going places! -  to stay  connected with Darian for more hairspiration follow her: 
Fb Redder

P.S. If you are interested in being featured as a gal behind the Magicalmessyhair drop me an email ( or use the contact form to get in touch with me.

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